Ice listing on Bitget

We are delighted to share the thrilling news that Ice, the pioneering cryptocurrency at the forefront of the Ice Network ecosystem, is set to make its debut on Bitget Exchange. This strategic collaboration represents a pivotal moment for ICE holders and traders, offering an array of exciting opportunities for growth and engagement.

With Bitget Exchange renowned for its cutting-edge trading features and user-friendly interface, Ice is poised to thrive in this dynamic trading environment. By joining the ranks of tradable assets on Bitget, Ice gains increased liquidity and accessibility, paving the way for a vibrant trading ecosystem.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. As part of our celebration, Bitget is offering a special incentive to all new users who sign up on their exchange – earn 1,000 USDT rewards as a welcome bonus! Create an account with the world’s largest crypto copy trading platform here and enjoy 1,000 USDT rewards.

With deposits already open, there’s no better time to get started on your trading journey with Ice.

Mark your calendars because trading for Ice on Bitget Exchange kicks off on February 28th at 11am UTC. This eagerly anticipated event signifies a significant milestone in our collective journey towards a decentralized future.

Join us as we embark on this exhilarating journey together, where innovation meets opportunity, and together, we shape a decentralized future.

The Decentralized Future


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Ice Open Network is not affiliated with Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc.