ION Liberty
ION Interoperability
ION Vault
ION Speed
ION Connect
Empowering Decentralization

Embrace your right to digital freedom

Frostbyte empowers individuals to reclaim control over their digital experience. By sharing your unused bandwidth, you contribute to a decentralized network that prioritizes privacy, security, and censorship resistance.
Trusted by 9,000,000+ users around the world.

Unlock your internet’s earning potential with Frostbyte

Convert unused bandwidth into earnings and join a community dedicated to privacy, security, and simplicity. With Frostbyte, your internet does the work for you — securely and effortlessly.

How it works?

Your journey to passive earnings

With a simple install, you can quickly join the network. The earnings dashboard keeps you informed of your progress in real time, while our privacy-sharing model ensures your personal data remains protected, allowing you to earn securely and confidently.

Simple Setup

Start in minutes with our quick sign-up. No personal details required, just a path to earnings.

Privacy Sharing

Share your unused internet bandwidth without compromising your privacy or data.

Earnings Dashboard

Track your earnings in real-time with our user-friendly dashboard. The more you share, the more you earn.

Available on multiple platforms

Frostbyte is now accessible for Android users, offering a seamless and convenient experience to start earning from your unused bandwidth.

Support for more platforms, including macOS and Windows, is coming soon, making it easier than ever to stay connected and manage your earnings across all your devices.

Part of ION Liberty

Frostbyte is a vital part of ION Liberty, offering a censorship-resistant and decentralized network focused on speed and security. Through this innovative ecosystem, Frostbyte enables users to support a more free and private internet experience.

What they say about us.

Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to reach us