Welcome to this week’s Online+ Beta Bulletin — your go-to source for the latest feature updates, bug fixes, and behind-the-scenes tweaks to ION’s flagship social media dApp, brought to you by ION’s Product Lead, Yuliia.
As we edge closer to launching Online+, your feedback is helping us shape the platform in real time — so keep it coming! Here’s a quick rundown of what we tackled last week and what’s next on our radar.
🌐 Overview
Last week marked a major milestone in the development of Online+, with the authentication module entering regression testing — a key step toward launch. The team also rolled out security enhancements, chat improvements, and feed updates, alongside critical bug fixes across the wallet, authentication, and profile features.
🛠️ Key Updates
Here are some of the main tasks we worked on over the past week as we continue to fine-tune Online+ ahead of its public release.
Feature Updates:
- Wallet → Began testing of staking feature.
- Performance → Improved the performance on queries on high load.
- Security → Backup to iCloud and Google Drive: Added the possibility to back up user accounts so that they can be secured and restored from the cloud when needed.
- Chat → Resend failed messages, audio, videos, photos, and files: Implemented the option to resend failed messages, including those with attachments, in case they failed.
- Chat → Included the ability to send emojis as standalone messages.
- Chat → Added the functionality of closing the keyboard when messaging to allow a full chat screen view.
- Search → Added the ability for users to search through the accounts that follow them.
- Feed → Unified the UI for trending and full-mode videos, incorporating them into the feed.
Bug Fixes:
- Wallet → Tokens are now displayed by relevance during search.
- Wallet → Friends’ addresses now automatically appear in the “Address” field under “Send Coins”.
- Wallet → The list of networks is now in alphabetical order when sending coins.
- Chat → Recorded voice messages no longer get distorted or sent as empty files.
- Chat → The empty grey area in one-to-one messages is now removed.
- Feed → The errors in the message accompanying the camera permissions flow have been corrected.
- Feed → Users can now copy and paste posts directly within their posts page, rather than just select texts.
- Authentication → The “Something went wrong” error occurring when users attempt to link specific accounts has now been fixed.
- Profile → The account settings screen now remains open after the “Delete Account” screen closes, rather than returning users to their profile.
💬 Yuliia’s Take
“Last week, we completed the development of the first major module — the authentication flow, which comprises core functionalities like Register, Login, Restore, Security, 2FA, Delete Account, and Uninstall App. It’s now entering the regression testing phase, which is crucial to our QA efforts, and a big win for me and the dev team.
All in all, it was a really productive few days for us — we managed to implement all the features and fixes we had planned, which keeps us right on track for the rest of the dApp’s development.”
🔮 The Week Ahead
With the authentication module now at the final QA stage, the team is pushing forward at full speed on implementing additional features and fixes to the wallet, which remains a top priority. At the same time, we’ll be kicking off regression testing for authentication, and making incremental improvements to the feed and chat functionalities to ensure a smooth and well-rounded user experience.
Got feedback or ideas for Online+ features? Keep them coming and help us build the social media platform of the New Internet!